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Senior Care News

Winter Tips for Your Elderly Loved Ones

In-Home Care in Glen Ellyn

As winter quickly approaches, you may be concerned about caring for your loved one. Even if you live out of state and work with in-home care over the phone, you will still want to share these tips. It will help ensure your loved one is safe this winter. Seniors may find the colder months more difficult, as they are more susceptible to the cold. Winters can be dangerous, and it’s so crucial to focus on overall health during this time of year. Here are a few tips to keep your loved one healthy and safe during the winter.

Focus on Minimizing Seasonal Depression
Gloomy weather can undoubtedly trigger seasonal depression in people of all ages. Even with in-home care, your seniors may feel lonely and isolated. Socializing and keeping busy are two effective ways to cope with the winter blues. A daily walk is a great way for your loved one to get some exercise and feel connected to the community.

Keep Warm and Use Protection Against The Weather
Bundling up in the cold is common sense. Hypothermia affects the elderly more, though. So, they should take this advice to heart. To avoid frostbite, seniors should wear coats, cover their heads, hands, and warm socks. Likewise, they should breathe through face coverings when venturing outdoors in subzero conditions. Shivering puts extra strain on the body, so extra layers should be worn below freezing.

Choose The Right Shoes or Boots
Falls are more likely to occur in the snow and cold, increasing the risk of injury. Elderly people should always wear sturdy, non-slip shoes with lots of treads outdoors, even if it’s merely to get in the vehicle or check the mail. When elderly people go outdoors, their loved ones or in-home care should watch out for icy areas and help them if necessary.

Focus on Eating Correctly
A major wintertime health risk is lack of vitamin D. Seniors should consume foods rich in vitamin D and calcium, such as dairy, eggs, and seafood, to make up for the lack of vitamin D we typically get from the sun. If a senior isn’t already taking a multivitamin, they may want to start to get the nutrients they need to be healthy and have a sturdy immune system as they age.

Keep An Eye On Temperature Inside and Outside
Be mindful of the interior and external temperatures, and the senior’s core temperature. The temperature inside shouldn’t drop below a certain point at night. Seniors should avoid or cover up drafty parts of their homes with plastic wrap, and wear additional clothing or blankets. Reduced core body temperature below 95 degrees Fahrenheit is a medical emergency. Elderly people should seek medical assistance if they are exposed to cold for an extended time, or if their body temperature drops.

If you or an aging loved one is considering In-Home Care in Glen Ellyn, IL, please contact the caring staff at Suburban Home Care today. 630-964-9000

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