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Senior Care News

What Services Are Available Through an In-Home Care Agency?

In-Home Care Lombard

Your dad lives alone and shows signs of slowing down. Whether he has a chronic health issue or is losing muscle mass, it’s important to support him. You may not spend time with him, but that doesn’t mean he has to be alone all day.

So, how can you best support him as he gets older? Discover the benefits of in-home care and the best services for his needs.

Housekeeping and Laundry

Caregivers can help your dad keep his house clean and organized. They can also help with laundry. His dirty clothes are washed, dried, folded, and put away. His towels and sheets are regularly changed and washed.

Housekeeping tasks also include vacuuming, dusting, and tidying up. His caregivers can also wash dishes, load a dishwasher if he has one, and put away clean and dry dishes. They can wipe down the counters and stovetop to ensure the surface is sanitized.

Personal Care

If your dad has a hard time brushing and flossing his teeth, his caregiver can help. He has someone to help him with showering and dressing. His caregiver can help him choose an appropriate outfit and help him tie laces and fasten buttons, zippers, and snaps.

His caregivers can help him brush and style his hair, shave or trim his beard or mustache, and apply skin lotion. He has someone to help him trim and file his nails, and assist with toileting if needed.

Meal Preparation Services

Hire caregivers to prepare meals and snacks for your dad. He’ll eat a home-cooked meal and enjoy companionship while he eats. Each week, he can talk to his caregiver about the weekly menu, create a shopping list, shop for groceries, and put the groceries away if he needs help.

Caregivers can prep foods in advance, get meats marinating as needed, and have items ready to use when it’s time to cook that meal. Meal preparation is one of the best ways to support your dad when he lives alone.

In-Home Care Aides Provide Companionship

With in-home care services, your dad has a visitor each day or week. It’s up to your family to determine how often he has company. His caregiver provides companionship if he has to go out to run errands or lives alone and wants someone to talk to.

Caregivers can also join your dad for a game of cards or favorite games like Backgammon, Chess, or Scrabble. He has a caregiver available to join him on walks or watch movies or shows with him.

Do any of these in-home care services sound like things that would benefit your dad? Then don’t hold off on arranging them. Talk to a home care specialist to learn more about prices and start setting up caregiver visits today.

If you or an aging loved one is considering In-Home Care in Lombard, IL, please contact the caring staff at Suburban Home Care today. 630-964-9000

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