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Senior Care News

What Can Home Care Assistance Help Your Mom Achieve?

Home Care Assistance in Lombard

Your mom lives alone. She wants it to stay this way, but she’s finding it harder to complete some of her regular daily routines. If you arrange home care assistance, what will it do to help her?

Caregivers Make Sure She Has What She Needs

Your mom is getting forgetful. She forgets to pay her bills on time and feed her pets. Her prescription medications are frequently out before she realizes it’s time to refill them.

With a caregiver’s help, your mom has someone to help her sort the mail and create a system to alert her when it’s time to pay a bill. Her caregiver can remind her when it’s time to order a prescription refill. If she needs help running errands to a pharmacy or post office, her caregiver can help there, too.

Her Home Is Organized and Clean

Your mom’s caregiver can help with light housekeeping chores like dusting, sanitizing surfaces, and vacuuming carpets. If your mom has hardwood floors, her caregiver can sweep them. Your mom has someone around to change her sheets and towels, launder them, and make the bed with clean sheets.

Caregivers can wash dishes, put them away once they’re dry, and take out the trash and recycling containers. If your mom lives in an area where composting is mandated, her caregiver can ensure a compost bucket is set out for pick-up.

When your mom has been out shopping or received online orders, her caregiver helps unpack, recycle, and put things away. Clutter will not build up on tables or counters anymore.

She Has a Driver for Appointment Days

Your mom isn’t supposed to drive anymore. So, her caregiver can drive her to stores, medical offices, and other establishments. If your mom wants to attend a luncheon at an area senior center, her caregiver can drive her.

Your mom may not want her caregiver to leave her side during a doctor’s appointment. Her caregiver can accompany her if that’s what makes her feel comfortable.

She Looks Forward to Regular Visits

Perhaps the biggest reward of home care assistance services is that your mom often visits her. You may not live close enough to stop in more than every few months. A caregiver can visit her each week. She has someone to talk to, accompany on walks, or share a meal with. Companionship is everything when it comes to your mom’s overall well-being.

Setting up caregiver visits is easy. Talk to a home care assistance specialist and talk about your mom’s daily life, things she can do independently, and go over prices. You’ll get answers to questions and make arrangements for home care assistance before the conversation is over.

If you or an aging loved one is considering Home Care Assistance in Lombard, IL, please contact the caring staff at Suburban Home Care today. 630-964-9000

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